Male or Female Tutor?

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Male or Female Tutor?

Think of a Female teacher. What do you visualise? Is she a kind, friendly, endearing and patient, young female tutor that cares for your Child’s education?

Now think of a Male teacher. 

Is he a strict, rough, fierce, straightforward teacher that does not care about your Child’s wellbeing?  Is he also impatient, getting frustrated when you do not understand how to get the  answer?

These are the gender stereotypes that many Parents still have about teachers/tutors – preconceived notions based on past experiences. Hence many Parents want a female tutor for their boy/girl.

Gender Stereotypes

We all have to agree that not all males tutors are as described above. (not even 1 in 10 male tutors are as portrayed above)

Most of our gender stereotypes stem from Western movies/TV shows that over sensationalise certain male traits and mannerisms. Or even exacerbate our own bad experiences and associate it with gender; bad experiences when we are in School stay with us for the rest of our lives, even when we become Parents. (See: market tuition rates)

Gender Stereotypes, Male or Female Tutor, CocoTutors home tuition singapore, tuition agency, private tutor, singapore tuition

In the past during our Parent’s generation, life was much tougher, with vivid memories of teachers punishing and caning students for not keeping quiet in class and the likes. 

Being a conservative Asian country/household did not help either. Males are often the strict, authoritative, unapproachable Parent.

All these led to the idea of Males being great Educators an almost unimaginable occurrence. (See: 4 Types of Tutors We should Avoid)

Authoritative vs Endearing

Both Male and Female Tutors fall outside of generally agreed upon stereotypes. 

Some female tutors are cold and uncaring, while other male tutors are kind and tender loving. (See: 12 Lessons from an A Levels Top Scorer)

Authoritative, Male or Female Tutor, CocoTutors home tuition singapore, tuition agency, private tutor, singapore tuition

At the end of the day, the Tutor’s gender does not matter. 

Whether it be authoritative or endearing, as long as there is a stark improvement in grades from home tuition, does the gender of the Tutor really matter? (See: How to find the Perfect Tutor)

Sexual Predators

The Dangers of Home Tuition – dubbed “Every Parent’s Nightmare” or in other words Sexual Predators, is a real concern in Singapore. 

With recent cases surfacing such as “Physics School teacher having an indecent relationship with 15 year old Student“, engaging Male tutors is a real concern among Parents in Singapore when engaging a Tutor for their Child.

This is also a reason why many Parents opt for female Tutors instead. However, what Parents fail to realise is that both males and females can be sexual predators as well.

Male Tutor, Male or Female Tutor, CocoTutors home tuition singapore, tuition agency, private tutor, singapore tuition

In addition, most if not all male “sexual predators” are older – in their 40-50s. Young, highly qualified Tutors, male and female, have a whole life ahead of them. 

What are the chances that these Tutors, with so many things yet to achieve, ruining their entire lives in a moment of folly? (See: No.1 Thing to Avoid when hiring Tutors)

Gender is the Least of your Concerns.

As long as Grades improve, gender should not be a concern of yours. 

Furthermore, you are eliminating half of the available tutors, restricting many highly qualified and experienced male Tutors from your List of Tutor Profiles, such as:

“(name removed for Privacy purposes): 21 year old male NUS Y1 Undergraduate
– Qualifications: Awarded the NUS Merit Scholarship. Graduated from VJC, attained AAA/A in H2 Biology, Chemistry, Economics and Math. Consistently among top 15% in the cohort for all subjects.
Graduated from Anglican High School, A1 in all 8 subjects
– Experience: 3 years tutoring experience. Specialise in teaching Secondary level Math & Science. Currently have 4 students on hand, previous students improved from E8 to A1 for O Levels.
(Tutor Profile of one of our male Tutors @cocotutors)

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Miriam is part of the team that operates CocoTutors: #1 Home Tuition Agency in Singapore. We connect Parents and students to Tutors, via our tuition-matching system. You can try out our services at ( or by calling +65 9177 9055 directly.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Eduaid


    Thanks for sharing great information with us, It was very helpful

  2. Surbhi Singh

    Interesting post!! Tutors hold the responsibility of unlocking a student’s potential and as such need to be updated and up to the task!

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