CocoTutors is a Home Tuition Agency in Singapore, striving to have the largest Undergraduate Tutor base in Singapore. We provide Parents/students with only Qualified and Experienced Home Tutors, via tuition-matching.
We pride ourselves in having extremely fast Response Time, 24/7 support (Call/Whatsapp), and Conflict Resolution for Tutors & Parents.
Our services are 100% free for Parents/students. We pride ourselves on successfully matching our clients with the most suitable and qualified tutors. All you have to do is fill in our Request Form, and we will provide you with a List of Tutor Profiles to choose from! Here is an in-depth Guide on How to Request for Tutors, and what you should expect.
Where does CocoTutors get their Home Tutors from?
Our Home Tutors come from many sources. Our Undergraduate (University) tutors are sourced directly from NUS/NTU/SMU. We have many A Level graduates that are waiting for University to start. These Tutors have multiple distinctions in A Levels, for subjects like Math, and the Sciences.
We also have Full-time Tutors and current/ex-MOE School Teachers that are registered with us all over Singapore. Our network of Tutors are constantly updated and monitored to ensure our Tutors provide only high quality tuition. Tuition Rates are based on Tutor’s qualifications and experiences.
We provide our Tutors with daily updates of available tuition assignments as well. Potential Tutors simply fill out our Tutor Application Form, and they can apply for and receive assignments from us. Alternatively they can follow our IG @cocotutors to see all available assignments.
What can I expect from CocoTutors?
Both Parents/students and Tutors can expect lightning-fast Response (Call/Whatsapp) within 5 minutes, sometimes instantly. Our Customer Support (+65 9177 9055) is around 24/7, and are ready to help you answer your queries/questions/problems from Monday through Sunday, 12am-1159pm. We pride ourselves on providing excellent Customer Service to our consumers; no delayed response, no holding of calls etc.
Parents/students can only expect to receive highly Qualified and Experienced Tutors from us, when we provide a List of Tutor Profiles (Age, Qualifications, Experience, Current position) to choose from. We thoroughly screen our Home Tutors to ensure they are the right fit and are capable of providing high quality Home Tuition to you.
Parents/students have the Freedom to choose their Tutors from the List of Tutor Profiles provided.
Certified and Qualified Home Tutors Only
Our Home Tutors go through rigorous selection criteria and quarterly reviews to ensure they are capable and competent of providing excellent and quality Home Tuition standards to your Child.
Free Change of Tutors upon Request
Teaching styles don't match? Unsuitable Home Tutor? Just inform our coordinators and we will change your home tutor for free! (market tuition rates, 2021)
Tutor Points System
Tutors are regularly graded by a 5-star point system based on 3 criterias, at the end of one month of home tuition. Subsequently, Home Tutors who fail to consistently obtain 4 stars will be phased out by the tuition agency. Therefore we will only provide the Best of the best for you.
List of Tutor Profiles
You will receive Tutor Profiles via Whatsapp:
Cas: 30, F, Current MOE School teacher
Qualifications: NIE PDGE, MOE Teaching Award, A1 for EMath/AMath, A for H2 Math
Experience: 10 years teaching experience, currently teaching at Raffles Girls' School (RGS)
- $50-70/h, Sat/Sun anytime
No Commitment Period
In the event that the Home Tutor provided is unsuitable, Parents can choose to terminate home tuition provided at any time after the first lesson. Here are 4 Types of Tutors We Should Avoid.
Quick Response Time
Our agents will respond within 2h hours with a List of Tutor Profiles for you to choose from! Here is a Detailed Guide on How to Find Tutors, and also which Type of Tutors to engage.
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