5 Reasons Why Home Tuition is Important in Singapore

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Our education system today is one that follows meritocracy: a system in which people are rewarded and advance solely based on ability and talent.

Or in other words, grades and paper qualifications. 

This means that the better your grades are, the better you will fare in the education system – higher chances of entering the 3 autonomous universities in Singapore (NUS, NTU and SMU).

Importance of Qualifications

Research has shown that “Graduates of SIM received a starting pay of $2700, compared to $3360 of graduates from NUS, NTU and SMU.”

In a more recent study, “Private school grads earn 28% less than their peers from universities” – a decrease from 20% less to 28% less.

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Graduating NUS students. Photo credit: National University of Singapore

Even though many people disagree with how the Education system in Singapore works (I myself disagree), it will not change drastically during our education years. 

Hence the Best way to work around is just to get the best grades possible.

So how do we get better grades? There is no better alternative than Home Tuition. Heres 5 reasons why:

1. Home Tuition supplements School work

Home Tuition is able to supplement school work and allow for better grades as it forces students (tutees) to do more work and questions related to the subject, forcing memory retention

As more work and questions are done, they become well drilled and those key concepts that would be tested in examinations would be enforced into their minds. 

Tuition will also make the tutees do more work than they normally will – tuition is a fixed schedule every week with a teacher. (See: market tuition rates, 2019)

2. Receive Help on the Spot

Unsure how to do a question? Asked your friends and they are also unsure? 

Or your teacher “has no time to go through every question 1-by-1 because they have to rush the syllabus”?

5 Reasons Why Home Tuition is Important in Singapore - home tuition singapore, private tutor, tuition agency, maths tuition, science tuition, chinese tuition, math tutor, singapore tuition

Our home tutors are able to address all your concerns! They possess the knowledge, and have the time to drill the essential concepts that are required. (Guide on: How to Request for Home Tutors

Any difficulties you face while doing questions during tuition, you are able to receive immediate help from the teacher. (Part-time Tutors, Full-time Tutors or MOE teachers?)

Tutors can also provide extra help/advice outside of class, such as subject combinations and etc. (See: Junior College Subject Combination)

3. Go on your own Comfortable Pace

Not sure of a particular topic/concept but your class is already way past that topic? 

Lessons are tailored according to the student’s pace.

Pace of Lessons 5 Reasons Why Home Tuition is Important in Singapore - home tuition singapore, private tutor, tuition agency, maths tuition, science tuition, chinese tuition, math tutor, singapore tuition

Tutees can request for specific topics and concepts that they need help in, tutors can help them understand the key concepts, and teach them how to answer similar exam questions. 

Your foundation is strengthened, and so do your grades. (Choose from a List of Tutor Profiles)

4. Everyone has Tuition

7 in 10 parents send their children for tuition“, a survey by STPoll in 2015.

Majority of Singaporean students are receiving extra, supplementary help via tuition. Do you want to be at a disadvantage, not receiving qualified help and jeopardise your grades?

I would prefer not to take that chance. My future and chances of securing a place in a course of my choice will be affected. (See: How taking Combined Science Almost Ruined My Future) 

A strong foundation is required to do well in our Education system. 

Without strong foundations we would not be able to answer the tougher questions meant to differentiate the A*/A and B students.

5. Tutors have done it themselves

The home tutors that you engaged have went through the same exact examination. 

They went through and have done exceptionally well, which allowed them to be teachers/specialists in teaching how to score likewise.

Hence, they know what key concepts are important and have a high chance of being tested – nooks and crannies of the questions, key things to look out for when answering examinations questions, question requirements etc. 

With all these drilled to you on a weekly basis, every week until the examinations, will definitely guarantee you stellar results. (See: 12 Study Tips from an A Level Top Scorer)

All in all, Home Tuition is important for Educational Success in Singapore. 

Find a Home Tutor near You now!

100% Free Service. No Commitment Period. 24/7 Unlimited Support.


Miriam is part of the team that operates CocoTutors: #1 Home Tuition Agency in Singapore. We connect Parents and students to Tutors, via our tuition-matching system. You can try out our services at (www.cocotutors.com/) or by calling +65 9177 9055 directly.

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