Foreigner & Expat Guide: Studying in Local Singapore Schools

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Foreigner & Expat Guide: Studying in Local Singapore Schools

Singapore is a popular destination for foreign students looking to further their education. With its world-class universities and highly developed educational system, the city-state has become a hub for international students. But for those looking to attend primary school in Singapore, the process can be a bit more complicated.

Criteria for Admission to Local Schools

  1. Familiarity with English Language
    Our mainstream schools use English as the language of classroom instructions. The centralised admission tests will be conducted in English. Applicants should be familiar with the English and Mathematics syllabuses of the level preceding the one they are applying for. For example, if your child is sitting for the Primary 4 test, they should be familiar with the Primary 3 syllabus. If successfully admitted, you should prepare your child for a new school environment and familiarise them with the curriculum of the level that they are admitted at.
  2. Education level
    Your child should not be more than 2 years older than the appropriate age for that education level. New students are generally not admitted at Primary 6, Secondary 4 / 5, Pre-University 2 / 3. This is to ensure ample time for adapting to the new environment and learning the local syllabus
  3. Student’s Pass (more below)
    Your child will need a Student’s Pass to study in our mainstream schools, unless they hold a Dependant’s Pass or Immigration Exemption Order.
  4. Vaccination requirements
    Your child is required to fulfil the diphtheria and measles vaccination requirements if they are:
    • 12 years old and below.
    • Not born in Singapore.
    • Applying for long-term immigration passes, such as Student’s Pass. You have to obtain a Verification of Vaccination Requirement (VR) document from the Health Promotion Board before you can apply for the Student’s Pass
  5. Caregiver’s particulars
    You are required to provide your child’s cargiver’s particulars to the school. Their caregiver should be either a (i) Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident above 21 years old (ii) Parent of the child if they are in Singapore. The caregiver must be contactable by the school as they are responsible for the child under their care. Changes in the caregiver or their particulars must be reported to the school immediately.
  6. Taking the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE)
    All international students admitted to our primary schools must complete the PSLE to proceed to our secondary schools
  7. Exemptions from offering Chinese, Malay, or Tamil as a Mother Tongue Language
    All students in our mainstream schools must take a Mother Tongue Language. You can apply for exemption through the school’s Principal after admission, and it will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

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Admission Process for Foreign Students into Local Schools

The Singapore Ministry of Education (MOE) is responsible for the admission of foreign students into primary schools in the country. The process begins with the submission of an application form, which can be obtained from the MOE website. The form must be completed and submitted along with supporting documents such as a passport, birth certificate, and school transcripts.

Primary and Secondary Schools

For primary and secondary school, foreign students can apply to study at local schools through the Ministry of Education (MOE). The MOE assesses applications based on the availability of places, the student’s academic and personal suitability, and the student’s language proficiency in English (To prepare for English admission tests, we recommend tuition lessons).

To apply, foreign students will need to provide the following documents:

  • A completed application form
  • A copy of the student’s passport
  • A copy of the student’s birth certificate
  • A copy of the student’s academic transcripts and any relevant test scores
  • A letter of recommendation from the student’s current school (for secondary school applicants only)

For international students who do not meet the MOE’s admission requirements, there are also a number of international schools in Singapore that offer primary and secondary education. These schools typically have their own admission processes and may have different requirements for language proficiency and academic qualifications.

Tertiary Education (Junior College, Polytechnic, University)

For tertiary education, foreign students can apply to study at universities in Singapore through the Ministry of Education (MOE). The MOE assesses applications based on the availability of places, the student’s academic and personal suitability, and the student’s language proficiency in English (To prepare for English admission tests, we recommend tuition lessons).

To apply, foreign students will need to provide the following documents:

  • A completed application form
  • A copy of the student’s passport
  • A copy of the student’s birth certificate
  • A copy of the student’s academic transcripts and any relevant test scores
  • A personal statement
    Letters of recommendation (depending on the university)

It is important to note that foreign students may need to obtain a student pass in order to study in Singapore. The student pass application process is separate from the admission process and is typically handled by the institution where the student will be studying.

The MOE will then assess the application and decide whether or not the student is eligible for admission. Factors such as the student’s academic record, language proficiency, and background are taken into consideration.

Once the application is approved, the student will be required to attend an orientation session to learn more about the school and its curriculum. During this session, the student will also be required to take an assessment test to determine their academic level.

The final step is for the student to be enrolled in the school. This is done by submitting the necessary documents and paying the required fees.

For foreign students looking to attend primary school in Singapore, the process may seem daunting. However, with the help of the MOE and the support of the school, the process can be made easier.

Foreign students who want to enroll their children in primary schools in Singapore must first obtain a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) from the Ministry of Education (MOE). The COE is issued to parents or guardians of children who are between the ages of five and 12 years old and who are not citizens or permanent residents of Singapore.

The COE is valid for one school year and must be renewed every year. The application process for the COE is straightforward and can be completed online. The COE is also required to enroll in any of the nine national schools in Singapore. In addition, the child must have a valid passport and be able to speak and read English.

To be eligible for a place in a primary school, the foreign student must also have an annual income of less than S$60,000. Families with a total income of more than S$60,000 are only allowed to enrol their children in secondary school.

Parents who are not Singapore citizens or permanent residents can apply for a Special Entry Permit from the MOE. This permit allows foreign students to enrol their children in primary school, provided they meet the eligibility criteria and can provide proof of financial support.

Applications for a Special Entry Permit must be made at least two months in advance of the school year the child wishes to enrol in. The MOE will then decide whether to grant the permit.

Foreign students who are not eligible for a place in a primary school can enrol their children in a junior school. Junior schools are available for students aged 6 to 12 years old.

Foreign students who are not citizens or permanent residents of Singapore can enroll their children in primary schools in Singapore if they have a valid passport and a valid visa. The visa must be valid for at least six months and must be endorsed with a letter from the school the child is wanting to attend.

The application process for a visa is also straightforward and can be completed online. The school the child is wanting to attend will contact the parents or guardians to let them know the child has been accepted and will need to arrive in Singapore before the start of the school year.

Loopholes for Admitting Foreign Students to study in Singapore

Foreign students have long been able to get into primary schools in Singapore, but there are a few loopholes that students must take advantage of.

For example, students who are from countries that are part of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) can get into primary schools in Singapore without having to take the PSLE.

Likewise, students who are from countries that are part of the European Union (EU) can also get into primary schools in Singapore without having to take the PSLE.

However, students from countries that are not part of the AEC or the EU must take the PSLE.

In addition, students who are from countries that are part of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) can also get into primary schools in Singapore without having to take the PSLE.

However, students from countries that are not part of the APEC must take the PSLE.

Furthermore, students who are from countries that are part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) can also get into primary schools in Singapore without having to take the PSLE.

However, students from countries that are not part of the OECD must take the PSLE. Finally, students who are from countries that are not part of any of the aforementioned groups can only get into primary schools in Singapore if they have a valid passport and a valid visa.

Home tuition is also key in supplementing your child’s education, given 8 in 10 students in Singapore have tuition outside of regular classes. We provide experienced tutors of all levels & subjects, start by requesting for tutor profiles for PSLE preprataion now!

Guide: Obtaining a Student Pass in Singapore

To obtain a student pass in Singapore, foreign students must first be accepted to a school or university in Singapore. Once the student has received an acceptance letter from the institution, the student can apply for a student pass through the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

The student pass application process typically involves the following steps:

  1. The student must complete the student pass application form and submit it to the institution where he or she will be studying.
  2. The institution will then submit the application to the Ministry of Education (MOE) for approval.
  3. If the MOE approves the application, the institution will issue a notification of acceptance (NOA) to the student.
  4. The student must then submit the NOA, along with other required documents, to the ICA in order to apply for a student pass.
  5. The ICA will review the student pass application and may request additional documents or an interview with the student.
  6. If the student pass application is approved, the ICA will issue a student pass to the student.

It is important to note that the student pass application process can take several weeks to complete, so students should plan ahead and apply for their student pass as early as possible.

The required documents for a student pass application may vary depending on the student’s nationality and the type of institution where the student will be studying. In general, students will need to provide the following documents:

  • A completed student pass application form
  • A copy of the student’s passport
  • A copy of the student’s acceptance letter from the institution
  • A copy of the student’s birth certificate
  • A copy of the student’s academic transcripts and any relevant test scores
  • A personal photograph

Students may also be required to provide proof of financial support, such as bank statements or a letter from a sponsor, to show that they have the funds to support themselves while studying in Singapore.


Miriam is part of the team that operates CocoTutors: #1 Home Tuition Agency in Singapore. We connect Parents and students to Tutors, via our tuition-matching system. You can try out our services at ( or by calling +65 9177 9055 directly.

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