Guide: Tuition Assignments Telegram Bot @CocoAssignments

Singapore Tuition Assignment Telegram Bot, home tuition, private tutor singapore

With the newly introduced @CocoTutorsBot in January, applying for assignments has been made much smoother and seamless for our current and potential tutors.

Tutors can now apply for assignments, update and check their Tutor Profile through our bot. To apply for assignments, tutors can browse for assignments on our Telegram Channel @CocoAssignments, and apply just by clicking on the “Click to Apply” button.

After filling in the relevant details, your application will be logged by our system. 
Subsequent verification of qualifications and experience will be required if you are shortlisted by the Parent.

Guide on How to Apply for Tuition Assignments

1. Go to our Telegram Channel @CocoAssignments to source for Home Tuition Assignments in Singapore.

Guide Singapore Tuition Assignment Telegram Bot, home tuition, private tutor singapore

2. Press “Click to Apply” when you find an assignment you would like to take up!

Guide Singapore Tuition Assignment Telegram Bot, home tuition, private tutor singapore

3. You will be directed to our Tuition Assignment Bot @CocoTutorsBot. Press “/start” to Apply for the Tuition Assignment.

Guide Singapore Tuition Assignment Telegram Bot, home tuition, private tutor singapore

Before you can apply for the private tuition assignment, you have to Update your Tutor Profile in our database (if it’s your first time using)

4. Press “Update Profile” and key all your relevant information

Guide Singapore Tuition Assignment Telegram Bot, home tuition, private tutor singapore

If you would like to make any edits, you can edit by selecting any button, and you will be prompted to edit. If you would not like to make any edits, just simply copy and paste back the previous entry.

Guide Singapore Tuition Assignment Telegram Bot, home tuition, private tutor singapore

(Make any edits to your Tutor Profile using our Tuition Bot)

Guide Singapore Tuition Assignment Telegram Bot, home tuition, private tutor singapore

5. Once you have filled in all your details, you can press “Show Profile” to review your Tutor Profile before submitting your application. Here are some Do’s and Don’ts for your Tutor Profile.

Take note that all information provided in the application will be submitted directly to the Parent – make sure to be professional and succinct in your Portfolio, the Parent may not read everything if it is too lengthy!

For more information on how to make a great Tutor Profile, please refer to our guide.

private tutor singapore

6. When you are ready to apply for the tuition assignment, press “Apply

7. Type your preferred rate, timeslots, as well as start date.

If the tuition assignment has indicated a preferred timeslot and/or rate, do take note that if you stray away from the rates and timings, you will have a lower chance of being selected by the Parent.

home tuition

8. If at any time you change your mind to apply, you can select the “Cancel” button to cancel your application.

9. When you are ready, press “Confirm” to confirm your application for the tuition assignment!

applying for tuition assignment singapore

Once you see this confirmation message that you have successfully applied for the assignment, your application has been recorded in our database.

select tuition assignment singapore

How do you know if there is any Progress?

If you are shortlisted by the Parent, our coordinators will be contacting you personally to liaise further.

Verification of qualifications and experience will take place during this period!

If you did not receive any updates after 1-2 weeks, it would likely mean you did not get selected for the assignment.

There are many reasons as to why you are not selected:

1. Parent changed their mind
2. Another tutor was selected
3. You did not meet the preferences/criteria in the assignment
4. Your Tutor Profile is not detailed, yet succinct enough

Here are some steps you can take to maximise your chances of being selected for an assignment.


This tuition bot is newly developed and may be filled with bugs and glitches. If you face any problems while using the Telegram Bot, please feel free to contact us @CocoTutors (+65 9177 9055)

Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, for usage of the Telegram Bot.


Miriam is part of the team that operates CocoTutors: #1 Home Tuition Agency in Singapore. We connect Parents and students to Tutors, via our tuition-matching system. You can try out our services at ( or by calling +65 9177 9055 directly.

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